The time is now. The Women Advancement Forum is where we must all meet and share ways to actualize these dreams to transform our world for sustainable growth and development by 2030. Take your time; go through the newly packaged WAF provisional program content that gives you the freedom to attend sessions that will help you most like never before. Finally, we wish to thank you once again for your commendable participation during this forthcoming 6th WAF 2020 and Awards. Your continuing engagement, active participation, presence, and contributions will be critical to a successful outcome of the forthcoming conference. Before we conclude, we wish to reiterate our desire that women from rural communities become part of this gender advocacy conference. This requires everyone’s support. We wish to ensure that developing countries and major groups are fully involved in this next WAF. NGOs, women in business and politics, African women in the diaspora, wife of public office holders, first ladies, the UN, international agencies, and regional bodies are key partners in addressing the issues affecting women and children for sustainable development in the 21st century. We look forward to and welcome your participation in this conference. We also wish to express our sincere appreciation to all those who worked tirelessly to make the past WAF Conferences & Awards in Berlin, Johannesburg, Banjul, and Dubai very successful events.